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- After nearly 12 years in court, Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips is still being sued. Support Jack as ADF defends him at the Colorado Supreme Court.
- The Biden administration’s radical redefinition of ‘sex’ threatens the fundamental rights of every American.
- In the fight for freedom, this is the difference people like you are making.
- The Constitution protects the right of educators to speak freely and exercise their faith in public schools.
- Free speech is for everyone. The First Amendment protects the right of all Americans to express their beliefs free from government coercion and censorship.
- Families flourish when governments protect the central role of parents in their children’s lives.
- Alliance Defending Freedom works alongside millions of other pro-life Americans to ensure that life is protected. Life is a human right, and it must be safeguarded.
- The FDA Endangered Women's Health by Removing Key Safeguards for High-Risk Abortion Drugs
- The Adoption and Foster Care Problem and how Alliance Defending Freedom is helping