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Alliance Defending Freedom
Alliance Defending Freedom

Get your free gender ideology guide for parents!

School is back in session and parents need to know what’s happening in their child’s school.

  • Are they being exposed to inappropriate materials on sexuality and gender?
  • Do parents have the option to opt their kids out of such curriculum?
  • Does the school have a secret policy to “transition” confused students without the knowledge or consent of their parents?

Activists promoting harmful gender ideology are putting the health and innocence of children at risk. But many parents aren’t sure what do to protect their children.

That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, free guide to equip parents with practical steps they can take when encountering gender ideology in the classroom: 3 Ways for Parents to Navigate Destructive Gender Ideology in Schools.

Download the guide and be equipped to protect your children from dangerous gender ideology

What’s inside:

  • What today’s parents face and why Alliance Defending Freedom is committed to protecting the foundational right of parents to direct the education and care of their children.
  • What practical leadership looks like—how you can actively engage with your children about what they’re hearing in the classroom.
  • Why it’s critical that parents stand up for their rights and be equipped to boldly challenge policies that violate those freedoms.

Get your copy of 3 Ways for Parents to Navigate Destructive Gender Ideology in Schools and be equipped to protect your rights and the freedoms of the next generation.